"Holy Spirit, Come and Stay" was a songwriting assignment from a group I was part of: Living the Story, the Greater DC Area Guild of the Network of Biblical Storytellers. We needed a song for leading worship at the Bethesda Church of Christ on Pentecost Sunday. Since I was the token songwriter of the group, I got to work.

First, I got my Bible out and started to research every Scripture passage I could find about the Holy Spirit. I wanted to be very careful not to say anything that was not Biblically-based. In writing the last line of each chorus, I remembered something I heard on the radio from "Turning Point" with Dr. David Jeremiah. He said, "Living the Christian life is not difficult...
... it is impossible!"
He went on to explain that we cannot live a Christian life on our own strength, but that we need the Holy Spirit in order to do it.

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Holy Spirit, Come and Stay

words and music by: Paige E. Powell                    ©2018 Paige Powell

1. From God the Holy Spirit is                     (Acts 15:8)

    Given to those who obey                          (Acts 5:32)

    And we receive the Father’s gift,          (John 20:22)

    Given when we ask and pray               (Luke 11:13)

 (Chorus 1:)  Holy Spirit, come and stay                       (Rom. 5:5)

Fill us now                                                    (Acts 2:4)

In the way you want to lead us

You will guide us every day

To live the Christian Life                          (Acts 9:31)

(Chorus 2:)  Holy Spirit, come and stay                        (Rom. 5:5)

Let us speak                                                (Acts 4:25)

By the peaceful words You give us      (Rom. 14:17)

You will guide us in the way

To live the Christian Life                           (Acts 9:31)

(Guitar instrumental)

(Repeat verse 1)

2. The Holy Spirit speaks the truth               (Acts 28:25)

    (And) gives us power when we’re led         (Acts 1:8)

    He teaches and reveals to us           (Luke 12:12, 2:26)

    Reminds us of what Jesus said                 (John 14:26)

(Repeat Chorus 1 and 2)

(Tag:) You will guide us in the way

To live the Christian Life                             (Acts 9:31)


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