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Hear the Song


When The Night Says Goodbye To The Sun

words and music by Paige Powell        © 2016 Paige E. Powell

1. Just being alone was no problem
Until you became part of me

Then, duties called you to travel.
I miss you desperately

2. It’s so hard to go in the kitchen.
It’s easier to cook meals for two

I fill the silence with TV —
Distract myself missing you

Chorus:  I miss you like flowers need water
I miss you with dinner for one
I miss you when each day is over
When the night says
“Goodbye” to the sun

3. The houseplants are dry and neglected
They thirst for the rain just outside
Raindrops streak down the window
Like tears that run from my eyes

(Repeat Chorus)

Bridge:  I know you’ll come back
as soon as you can
Good hugs and kisses we’ll give
Can’t wait to get back
to having you home
And how we love and we live

(Repeat Chorus)

Tag:    But one day, I will have you in sight
When the sun says “goodbye” to the night

Let’s face it. Sometimes we don’t want to be “cheered up”. This song expresses loneliness when someone we love is away for a long time. But they are coming back, like when the Sun returns every morning.

One of the few songs I have written that still chokes me up, this slow ballad of loneliness tells a slightly different story. “Duties called you to travel” so he is just away for a period of time. It could be the duty of a soldier or duty to an employer. The poetic lyrics express the feelings of missing him “like flowers need water” and “with dinner for one”. The story tells us, “I know you’ll come back as soon as you can” like the sun that always returns after a long night. At the end, the lyrics describe a hopeful homecoming, “But one day, I will have you in sight…”

More about "When The Night Says Goodbye To The Sun" from Paige's Blog: click HERE.

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